LCD Display Funcationality on Weldforce 160MST, 180MST & 200MST Welders
Applicable Models
The following information applies to:
160MST: Units with serial number up to '2022...'*
180MST: Units with serial number up to '2021...'*
200MST: Units with serial number up to '2021...'*
*First 4 digits of serial number, after the model number - eg: WF180MST2020123456
The LCD displays on these machines display output (volts or amps) in "real time" only
This means that the LCDs will not display any values whilst welding is NOT in progress, and will only display that actual output whilst welding IS in progress.
Why ?
In previous factory versions of these models, the controls did not feaure any displays. The LCD displays on these models were added as "bonus" feature, rather than part of the core settings functionality.
These machines have been designed with a very strong emphasis on Simplicity, Reliability, Value-for-money, Compactness and Light weight. As is the case with any machine or electronic device, the more complex the design, the higher the risk of faults and failure during the lifetime of that machine. For this reason, at the time of designing these models, the decision was made to use simpler "real time" displays only.
If for some reason the operator needs to be able to set very specific amperage or voltage settings, this can be done with colleague helping to check the settings. Normally this will be required only in professional applications (eg: when welding equipment according to a strict weld procedure) and in this case operators will typically use higher-cost machines with more complex controls and features.
Current Models
As of December 2024, all current models of these machines sold by Weldclass have upgraded features that include LCD displays that show Volts and Amps output settings both prior to welding, and during welding.
Set up guide for 160 / 180 / 200MST