Download Batch Certificates

How to download a Batch Certificate / Conformance Certificate for Weldclass welding consumables, including welding wires, electrodes, brazing and filler rods.

  1. Check the packaging to confirm product name, size, and batch/lot number
  2. Click here to open Weldclass Batch Certificate Portal
  3. Select Product Type, Name, & Size, then enter Batch/Lot Number in the field provided
  4. Click 'Generate Certificate' button to generate certificate view
  5. Click 'Print' button:
    For a paper copy, select your preferred printer
    For pdf copy, select 'Save as PDF' or 'Print to PDF' print option & save pdf version to your computer

Open Batch Certificate Portal


The certificate generated by this portal is for reference only and applicable only to the product selected and specified. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure the correct batch/lot number is entered, Weldclass will not be liable for any certificates produced with incorrect batch/lot number. All product information is presented as typical only, without guarantee or warranty, and Weldclass expressly disclaims any liability incurred from any reliance thereon, except for liability imposed by legislation (including the Competition and Consumer Act 2010) that cannot be excluded. No data is to be construed as an official recommendation for any welding condition or technique by Weldclass. The correct product(s), settings and techniques will vary according to individual application and users should conduct their own due diligence to determine the correct product and method to use in their situation. E.&O.E.